Friday, July 9, 2010

Minnesota in July!

On July 5th, I took a very early flight to Minnesota (I arrived at 8:30am!). I'm working from here for two weeks, so I can spend a bit of time with family and friends.

When I arrived, my mom picked me up, and we went grocery shopping. Mamie, Grandpa Ray, Kiyoko, and my Grandma John were all supposed to come for lunch at noon. Mamie, Grandpa Ray, and Kiyoko arrived at 10:30am. So we hung out while mom got the food ready to grill. (Unfortunately, just as the food finished grilling, it started to rain, so we ate inside.)

We had bratwurst, potato salad, and grill-out foods - very good! Kiyoko brought me a gift from DC - very pretty.

She's in the U.S. for three months on her own, and is traveling all over the country. I helped her figure out where she needs to go in New York City and in D.C.

In the evening, I showed my mom "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog," and she really liked it. Then we got caught up on some Doctor Who - I've seen it all, but she's a bit behind. It was a great first day in Minnesota!

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