Monday, July 26, 2010

H Street Adventure

On Saturday, Jeff and I, along with Kris, Emma, Beth, Jaisha, and Al decided to head over to the H Street NE Corridor (also known as the Atlas District). It's in a strange part of town - there doesn't seem to be much else that far NE, and there are no metro stops nearby, which makes it hard to get to. However, it has a bunch of restaurants and bars that I hear about all the time, so we decided to check it out.

The plan was to have dinner at Biergarten Haus - a German restaurant with a big patio. However, it had been a record-setting high temperature that day, and even at 7:30pm, it was still in the high 90s. So patio didn't sound so good. And then we found out that the air conditioning was broken - so inside was actually worse than outside. Rather than get all sweaty during dinner (we saw some other people decide to brave the patio, and this was definitely the result), we decided to head elsewhere.

Our next stop was H Street Country Club. We put our name on the waiting list (45 minutes) and had appetizers and drinks in the downstairs bar. I thought their sangria was pretty good, though nobody else liked it - it's not very sweet. Al ordered a queso dip, which turned out to actually just be melted cheese - like mozerella - so that when it started to cool, it was impossible to dip. Jeff's quesadilla was really good. Anyway, we waited about an hour, checked on our reservation, waited a bit more, and then gave up on having dinner there - some people had to get back home.

So instead, we walked down to Taylor - a sandwich shop that is supposed to be one of the best in the city. Jeff and I had a chicken cutlet sub with goat cheese, pesto, and tomatoes - not bad. We also tried the fried risotto balls, which were unique, and very rich.

After dinner, Al, Jaisha, Kris, and Emma had to head home, but Beth, Jeff and I planned to stay. The plan had been to do a bit of bar hopping and see different places. The problem was, the heat was so bad that everytime you walked out of a building it felt like someone was blasting hot air at you - and you'd be sweating if you walked more than a block or so.

So Jeff, Beth, and I gave up on the H Street plan, and took a cab to Gallery Place. We stopped at Co Co Sala - which is a bar and restaurant that specialize in chocolate things. I had the cocohito - a mohito made with chocolate vodka and garnished with chocolate flakes. Yum.

At this point, it was after 11pm, and still more than 90 degrees outside. So our next stop was the good, old, climate-controlled movie theater. We saw Salt. It was ok. I read a review about it being really bad, so I think I was a little biased. It's very action-y.

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