Monday, June 28, 2010

Weekend Fun

I had a really fun weekend. (Though Jeff probably had the crazier weekend - he went skydiving! More on that later...)

The RoomAnyway, on Friday, I got together with Stephanie and some other friends at Buffalo Billiards for a few drinks and a game of pool. After that, to my astonishment I was able to convince Stephanie and Phil to see "The Room" at E Street Cinema at midnight. I believe I've posted about this previously, but "The Room" is the worst movie I've ever seen in my life (and this is true for most people, which is why it has this midnight cult following). It's just... awful. Not really even funny bad, just bad bad. I don't think it'd be watchable if you weren't in a theater full of people constantly shouting and (literally) throwing things at the screen. That said, it was awesome. We sat next to some people who had dressed up, and in general all the people and shouted comments were really funny. Also, we met up with my friend Tom (who I used to work with at the movie theater in Minnesota) and who is now the house manager at the E Street Cinema. Very cool!

On Saturday afternoon, I got together with friends to watch the US-Ghana World Cup match. Sadly that did not go so well for the U.S. We played well in the second half, but other than that, not so good. Ghana played very well the whole time. I guess of all the teams to lose to, you can at least kind of be happy for Ghana - they're the only African team left in the competition, so they're carrying the flag for the continent.

Doctor Who - The Complete Second SeriesAfter the game, Beth and I went back to my house, where Emma and Stephanie were already waiting (they had given up on the barely-air-conditioned sports bar). We spent the evening on one of my favorite activities - Doctor Who Marathon. :) We picked up where Stephanie and I had left off, halfway through season 2. Beth even stayed through a few episodes, even though scifi/fantasy is not really her thing. :) I think Stephanie and Emma are probably both hooked. We made it all the way through the season 2 finale - great episode!

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