Wednesday, June 30, 2010

U.S. National Space Policy Comparison

So, after the new National Space Policy was released yesterday, I was wondering how it compared to the past National Space Policy (put out by the Bush administration in 2006). So, I wrote up a document that compares the two, section by section. Then, yesterday, I shared that with my boss, and he really liked it, so we created a pdf and posted it on our website and shared it with people on our mailing lists.

After that, it took on a life of its own - people seemed to find it really useful and passed it around, so that now it seems like everyone has read it. I answered questions from a congressional staffer about it and received comments back from people from industry, academy, government, and even foreign space professionals! It's been so cool to see something I wrote actually be read by so many people! I guess that's my 15 minutes of (nerdy space-policy related) fame!

Here's the press release:

Space Foundation Releases Analysis Comparing 2010 U.S. National Space Policy with 2006

Colorado Springs, Colo. (June 29, 2010)
The Space Foundation has released a report comparing the newly announced 2010 U.S. National Space Policy with the previous 2006 National Space Policy. Prepared by Space Foundation research analyst Mariel John, the report details what is different about the new policy and what areas are similar. Read the report here.

The Space Foundation Research and Analysis function, based in the Washington, D.C., is the Foundation's think tank. It provides credible and authoritative information on civil, commercial, and national security space issues for policymakers, media, industry, academia, the financial community, and the public. The premier product of Research and Analysis is an annual report on the state of the space industry, The Space Report: The Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity. The report provides a wide-ranging analysis of the space sector and its impact on the overall economy.

See more reports by the Space Foundation Research and Analysis team here, and order a copy of The Space Report 2010 here.

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