Sunday, June 6, 2010

Memorial Day - Ocean City, MD

For Memorial Day, Jeff and I went to Ocean City, MD to stay with a bunch of Jeff's friends from high school (one of them has a vacation house there). We invited Katie and Tom, too, so they came down from NYC to DC to drive out with us. We left Friday evening, and didn't get into Ocean City until about midnight.

Saturday we grabbed Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast and contemplated what to do. Normally, we all just head out to the beach in the morning and stay there all day, but Saturday the looked a little cloudy, and the weather forecast said there would be scattered showers around noon and thunderstorms in the afternoon. So instead, Jeff and I took Katie and Tom on a driving tour to see a bit of Ocean City. When we got back, it still wasn't raining, and other people were out at mini-golf. We hung around the house and read and relaxed. (I was reading "Ender's Game," the first book I've read for fun - rather than comps, school or work - in a long time.) When people got back from mini-golf, it was sunny and nice out, with no signs of the thunderstorms we'd heard about. So, around 2pm, we finally headed out to the beach. It was a little windy, but otherwise the weather was perfect. We laid around until about 6pm, and then headed back to the house. We grilled for dinner, and hung out with everybody around the house all night.

Sunday we headed out to the beach earlier, and stayed out there about 6 hours or so. The water was freezing, freezing cold, but I went for a quick dip anyway - I really love swimming. (Usually, I try to get Jeff to come in with me, and he thinks it's cold, but I think it's fine. But I figured if I think the water is freezing, there's no way he'd survive a swim.) Other than that we just laid around, read, napped, and had pizza-on-the-beach for lunch. Not a bad way to spend a day. In the evening , we went to the boardwalk in Ocean City. We grabbed dinner overlooking the beach, which was really nice, and then we had funnel cake and played Skee Ball. We even won a pretty awesome disc gun when we put our tickets together.

Monday morning we cleaned up and headed out pretty early in the morning. The drive back was long, since everybody seemed to be headed home from the beach at the same time, but we listened to "This American Life" podcasts from NPR and had a nice ride. Katie and Tom grabbed the bus back to NYC shortly after getting back to DC, and that was it for Memorial Day weekend.

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