Monday, June 7, 2010


This past Saturday, Stephanie invited me to attend GEOGala - a black tie dinner and reception for the intelligence community. The dinner and drinks were very nice. Though there is a fair amount of overlap of space activities and intelligence gathering activities, there weren't many people that I recognized, and conversations were different than at space events. Some people knew a lot about space, while others weren't familiar with the space community at all. I recognized the names of companies and organizations that some people worked for and the projects they worked on, but some things were completely foreign to me. (For example, I learned about GEOpdf which aims to provide geospatial information in pdf format so that it is usable for a wide audience without expensive software.)

Stephanie and I took an awesome green-screen picture where we're in space, standing in front of the horizon of the Earth. However, I think Stephanie still has my copy of the photo, so instead I'll post this photo of the two of us at our friend Lewis' housewarming party (we went straight to his party after the GEOGala).

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