Friday, June 25, 2010

Boston - Day 3

Saturday was our big Boston sight-seeing day. We started out by walking through Public Garden and Boston Common.

We picked up the freedom trail outside the State House, and followed it along Tremont Street, stopping at the Granary Burial yard. We departed the freedom trail a bit to visit Government Center and take the stairs to Fenuil Hall (the view is nicer in this direction...)

After about 20 minutes of shopping at Fenuil Hall and Quincy Market, we headed to Chinatown for lunch. We had dim sum at Hei La Moon. The food was great! For dim sum, people wheel around carts with all sorts of different foods on them, and you point to them, and they put them on your table and stamp your receipt with a mysterious Chinese symbol. It's basically impossible to figure out what any of the foods are or how much they cost, because nobody seems to speak English. Luckily, the food is all amazing. It seemed like we tried one of everything, and somehow it still only came to $8 per person at the end. Awesome.

After lunch we had a nice walk along the harbor. It was a beautiful sunny day.

The walk ended in the North End (the Italian district). Some of us got cannolis at Mike's Pastries (a must in my opinion).

Then we joined the rest of the group, who had made their way to Cafe Pompeii for drinks and a little more World Cup soccer.

From there, we made our way to the statue of Paul Revere and the Old North Church (one if by land, two if by sea).

Then it was back to the apartment to rest up a bit and prepare for our dinner party. We ordered a lot of Indian food from India Quality. (They were great about doing catering, even though it's not officially offered on our website - we just told them the number of people and the dishes we wanted, and they made the right amount. They even gave us a discount for ordering so much food, and delivered everything to our place.)

We wanted to have at least one night while we were in the city to get together with all our friends that were living in Boston. (Originally, we thought we'd have dinner at Vinny T's, which is great with big groups and changing reservation numbers, but *gasp* it closed! Which is crazy! I loved that place!) But Indian food dinner at our place ended up being great. Everyone came over around 7pm - I think at the end of the day there were more than 20 of us there!

As the sun started to set, we decided to show people our "patio" (i.e. roof accessible through a window). The views from there were beautiful!

Eventually, we decided to leave the house and head out to Hennessey's near Fenuil Hall. I really like Hennesseys - they have two floors, with a live band on each floor. In fact, I used to go so often that the bouncer still recognized me. :) All of the DC crowd made it out to the bar, along with Arthur's friend, Carvey, and Chris Bauers and his girlfriend. It was awesome to have a crazy fun last night with everyone. (And the band upstairs played Weezer! So fun!)

Not quite ready to go to bed, some of us made a late night trip to the esplanade to sit by the river, and then to our "patio" to sit and chat and enjoy the views.

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