Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Visiting Friends

It's really difficult to visit all the people I'd like to see when I just visit Minnesota for a couple days, like I did last weekend. Luckily, I did get a chance to visit some really good friends.

Annette come over to visit on Saturday afternoon. We hung out a bit in the afternoon, and then went on a short trip to visit my friend Rachel.

Rachel, who is another friend from high school, had a baby since the last time I saw her. Her new son, Ari, is now about two and a half months old. He was tiny and adorable - he didn't cry at all the whole time we were visiting, even as Annette and I took turns holding him. So cute!

Jeff, Annette, and I then got Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner, and went back to my house where we chatted and hung out with my dad for a while. Fun evening!

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