Tuesday, April 6, 2010


On Monday, Jeff, Katie, and I headed into Mamaroneck after lunch for passover dinner at Jeff's aunt and uncle's house. (Tom joined us a bit later when he finished work.)

Passover lunch was really nice, as it is every year. We got to see Jeff's grandma and grandpa, aunt and uncle and cousins, his parents and brother, and other, more distant, relatives. We all follow along with the traditional songs, stories, and prayers in the packet that Jeff's uncle had put together. I think I'm actually starting to learn things, now that I've been going for a few years in a row.

After dinner (which was very good - the salmon was amazing!), Jeff and I hung out with his brother. Dave brought a bunch of google stuff for everyone - a jacket for his dad, t-shirts for everyone, and a phone for me! Awesome! So now I have a really cool google phone!

It was really nice to see everyone, and to have Katie and Tom be there for passover, too. Also, even though Jeff and I have been dating for six and a half years, this is the first time that anyone in my family (other than me) has met his brother - crazy! Now Katie and Tom can confirm that Dave exists. :)

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