Monday, April 19, 2010


When I bought the plane ticket to attend the conference in Colorado Springs, it turned out that my return flight had a layover in Minneapolis. I decided to turn the one hour layover into a weekend layover by ditching the second half of my trip to DC and just buying a one-way to take me back on US Airways (officially extending the layover was really expensive for some reason, so this was a better option.) Jeff got a great deal on a ticket and came for the weekend, too.

We had an awesome trip, with Saturday being the most eventful day. I was exhausted when we got in on Friday, so we mostly hung out with my parents, watching Doctor Who and eating Chinese food.

On Saturday, we saw a Twins game at the new stadium and visited friends - but these are things that will get their own post, since I have pics and more to say.

On Sunday, we had a pretty quiet day - lunch outside at Panera with my parents, some monkeying around with electronics trying to figure out how to record from our DVR to a DVD, and then dinner at my brother's house (with amazing food - thanks Emily!).

It was especially nice to go home this weekend, because my parents are selling the house, and it could easily (hopefully) be sold before I get back to Minnesota again. I've been in that house since I was about 5 years old, so though it's exciting (and makes sense) for my parents to move, it's crazy to imagine going to Minnesota and not going to that house. Lots of memories...

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