Thursday, April 8, 2010

Beautiful Day

The weather in DC has been beautiful for the last few days - it's been sunny and in the 70s and 80s (and a bit of the 90s). The cherry blossoms are mostly gone already, but there are lots of other flowers blooming all over the city. Here are a few shots I snapped while walking to work and class. (That duck was in a tiny courtyard in front of one of the office buildings. I also saw a bunny the other day in front of the Brookings building, but I didn't get a picture.)

Of course, good things can't last forever. Tonight there was a big thunderstorm, and it's supposed to be much cooler tomorrow - in the high 50's. But we enjoyed the weather while we could - Last night Jeff, Stephanie, and I had dinner on the sidewalk patio at Frontpage (which has an amazing burger - the "boss.") And today, Jeff and I had lunch with Jeff's mom out on the sidewalk patio at Levante's. We also had happy hour at Alero (with Kris, Emma, and Beth), where we sat inside, which turned out to be a good thing, because rain started pouring down while we were there. We'll be back into the 70's by Sunday, so maybe I'll have a chance to grab an ice coffee outside before leaving for Colorado!

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