Friday, March 5, 2010

Our Neighborhood is the Coolest

At least, that's what the New York Times says. There was a whole article about DC nightlife yesterday focusing on midcity - which is right where Jeff and I live! Some highlights:

To whit: 53 restaurants, bars and boutiques have opened in the last two years in the area known as Mid-City (roughly from Thomas Circle up 14th Street through U Street, and along U down to Ninth).

At the upstairs/downstairs duo of new restaurants on 14th Street called Churchkey (a gastro pub with an extensive bar menu) and Birch and Barley (the upscale sister restaurant downstairs), the wait for beer begins at 6 p.m. By midnight the line stretches down the block, and the crowd upstairs is shoulder to shoulder until closing.

Birch and Barley is less than a block away from our apartment! (And it really is very good, if you can avoid the lines.)

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