Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ireland Day 6 - County Wicklow and Glendalough

On our last full day in Ireland we decided to visit nearby County Wicklow.

Wicklow has beautiful mountains, so the drive was really nice.

We saw some adorable lambs while driving through.

The main attraction in Wicklow was Glendalough, which includes the remains of a monastic settlement from the 5th century tucked into a valley in the mountains.

It's near two big lakes, so we spent a few hours hiking along the two lakes.

We even saw a waterfall and some wild mountain goats.

On the way home we drove along coast. At one point we found beach access and went to see the Irish Sea.

We decided to have dinner at the bar in our hotel, since we hadn't spent much time there. The food was great! It was a nice relaxing end to the trip.

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