Monday, March 22, 2010

Ireland Day 0 - Airplane Movies

We left for Ireland on Sunday afternoon via Air France. We got really lucky on our first flight (from DC to Paris) and got upgraded to business class - lots more space, bigger TV screens, etc.

The flight was about 7 hours, and I spent almost the entire time watching movies. They had a bunch of Oscar Nominated films I hadn't seen, so that was the theme of my flight.

The Blind Side
I thought the blind side was surprisingly well done. It's cute and predictable, but also based on a true story, so it's hard to argue with the plot arch. I'd recommend it as a fun, heart-warming movie to watch at some point when you want something to lift your spirits.

A Serious Man
This movie is about a Jewish professor as his family they goes through a series of seemingly random life changes. His wife decides to leave him for a family friend, his kids seem pretty indifferent too him, and are kind of geeky-trouble makers. He has a hot, pot-smoking neighbor that makes an appearance in the film, though its not clear what the point is. His son is preparing for his bar mitzvah. There's a fair amount of Jewish humor, and the movie is pretty random. The acting is good, and it is funny - just be prepared to be confused.

An Education
This movie was interesting and different. It's about a 16 year old girl in London in the 1960s. She's a very good student and plans to go to Oxford, but then she meets this (much older) man. The guy exposes her to high culture - concerts, fancy restaurants, etc. She begins to question what the point of school and work are and what direction she really wants her life to go in. It's an interesting and well done movie. (Although the characters seemed to think the romance between the 16 and 30 year old was much less creepy than I found it to be.) Definitely worth watching, though.

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