Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Outta the House

Theres lots of work (and reading) to do and the weather's not that great, but Jeff and I have still managed to get out of the house and have fun quite a bit in the last week.

Last Tuesday we drove to Baltimore to meet up with his parents for dinner. We had some great food at Tabrizi's - the eggplant appetizer was incredible.

On Wednesday, we went to our (mostly) weekly happy hour to catch up with friends and enjoy cheap appetizers and $5 martinis. In the future we're going to start trying new locations, so I'll have to actually look at the menu. (At Beacon, our usual place, I've got my order down pat - Cosmo and Spinach and Artichoke Dip. Yum.)

Thursday we went to Rebecca and John's apartment for dinner. Rebecca is a friend from UMD - we had a class together and took the metro back to the city together all semester. Rebecca made chicken and rice with asparagus, which was great. It was the first time the four of us had hung out, and it was a really fun night - I'm hoping to get together with them again soon.

Friday night was a really late dinner at Il Mulino with Al and Beth. We took advantage of restaurant week to get dinner at this normally very expensive place. One interesting thing they do is bring tons of appetizers to your table as free starters - we had spicy sautéed eggplant, Parmesan cheese, bruschetta, and of course, bread. It definitely requires some self-restraint if you want actually want to save room for your meal.

Saturday Jeff and I had a pizza party at home and watched the Raven's game. Maybe that doesn't count since we didn't leave the house. And considering how the game went, maybe it's best to just forget the whole thing.

Football was much better on Sunday when we watched the Vikings game in Baltimore with Tim, Rachel, and Ransom. They weren't quite as excited as I was (still not quite over the Raven's game the night before), but as a consolation we had great BBQ lunch at a restaurant near Tim and Rachel's house.

Monday was our monthly book club meeting - with all of the reading I'm doing for the comps, I didn't quite make it through the book club book (actually didn't quite start it...) but Jeff and I hosted and I cooked, so I think that counts as my contribution to the discussion. :)

Hopefully things will continue to be as exciting this week - I'm really excited about a space young professionals happy hour my work is hosting on Thursday - should be fun!

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