Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Audrey Hepburn Movies!

While I was in Minnesota Annette and I got together and watched a couple of Audrey Hepburn movies - both of which I loved and would recommend.

Roman Holiday - This was Audrey Hepburn's first movie - 1953 - and she won an Oscar for her role. It's about a princess from some unknown country that is in Rome at the end of a political European tour. She skips out on the royal schedule for a day to see Rome - with the help of American reporter, played by Gregory Peck. It's a well done and cute movie.

How to Steal A Million - This movie was incredibly adorable - not at all realistic, but super cute from start to finish. Audrey Hepburn lives with her father in an estate in Paris. Her father makes money by selling fake masterpieces. The other main character, a young Peter O'Toole with incredibly blue eyes, enters the story when Audrey catches him trying to steal a painting from her estate. Somehow he convinces her to forgive him and give him a ride home. It only gets more rodiculous (and adorable) from there. If you feel like smiling for an hour and a half straight, I highly recommend checking out this movie.

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