Sunday, November 1, 2009

Six Year Anniversary!

Today is Jeff's and my six-year anniversary! It seems crazy that it's already been six years, but lots has happened since we first started dating when I was a sophomore and he was a freshman in college. We've lived in two different cities, gone to three different schools (MIT, GWU, UMD), and seen a lot of the world together.

Jeff surprised me with a combined anniversary/birthday gift - an iPod Nano! It's the first time I've owned an iPod Nano, and I love it! It's so convenient for traveling, taking the metro, and working out (if I ever get a chance to do that...). In addition to music and video, it has games, a pedometer, a stop watch, an alarm, a voice recorder, a video recorder, and radio. I've already spent quite a few hours organizing music and playing games. :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary, Mariel and Jeff! We miss you!
