Friday, October 23, 2009

South Korea - Day 7

Friday was the last day of the conference and consisted of the last couple of panels and presentations. I finally tried a coffee from the tasty-sounding 'Greenish Coffee' shop at the convention center.
We grabbed a quick lunch of fish stew near our hotel. I wasn't a big fan of the big, bone-filled chunks of fish, but luckily there were those trusty side-dishes.

Later in the day, I went to the Yousung spa and public bath. There were only a few different baths - one that I think had tea in it, one that had waterfalls you could sit beneath, and one that was 42 degrees Celcius - so hot that I couldn't even dip my feet comfortably. It was also pretty crowded, and I'd already had the chance to explore and experience a public bath on my trip to Japan, so I didn't end up staying all that long.

Jeff had visited the men's side of the spa at the same time, and since we had no way to communicate, we agreed to just stay for one to two hours. I was out in about an hour, but Jeff, who'd never had the chance to visit an Asian public bath before, didn't come out until after almost two. Apparently the men's side was much cooler, with a whole outdoor section, which included an outdoor bath.

Rejuvinated, we headed to the train station to catch the train to Busan, South Korea's second largest city, located on the southern coast. There is a South Korean fastfood chain that sells hotdogs, so we gave those a try for a quick dinner. Not bad.

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