Saturday, August 22, 2009

Weekdays in DC

After a pretty long period of traveling (Minnesota - 10 days, California - 8 days, Colorado - 3 days), Jeff and I are back in DC.

The first week back we've settled right back into the basic schedule - work during the day (me at Space Foundation, him at home for school work). I was supposed to have 'Math Camp' this week and next - a refresher before starting the PhD. However, when 30 minutes into the first lecture the professor was drawing number lines and talking about inequalities, I decided the class might be aimed more at the history-major-who-hasn't-seen-math-since-ninth-grade than it was at the I-love-math-and-do-it-for-fun-aerospace-engineering-major (me). They email out the psets every night, so I can check to make sure I'm up to date on the concepts, even if I don't go to class - graphing linear equations (check), solving systems of equations (check), first order derivatives (check). So far I think I'm ok.

This past Tuesday we went out to dinner with a bunch of friends to celebrate Emma's birthday.

We ate at Lima, and the food was great - I had Chilean Sea Bass with potatoes and mushrooms. The restaurant has a club/lounge downstairs, so we ended up dancing for a while afterwards - it was pretty busy for a Tuesday night.

Thursday we went to dinner with Jeff's parents at a Mexican restaurant in Baltimore called 'Arcos'. The food was really great - I had a quesadilla with crab, olives, spicy peppers, and guacamole. The trip was planned so that we could bring the car to Jeff's parents and they could take it back to their house. As of Thursday, Jeff and I officially have no car!

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