Saturday, August 1, 2009

Minnesota Summer!

Last Thursday, July 23rd, Jeff and I headed to Minnesota. We're here until Aug. 3rd, and it's a busy visit. In addition to working, we've had a lot of fun.

Wedding Stuff - My brother is getting married in September, and the first weekend we were in Minnesota was Emily's bachelorette party and her Wedding Shower with our side of the family (which my sister and I were in charge of organizing!) Those things deserve their own blog entries, so more on that later.

On Monday, Jeff and I went to a Twins game with my friend Paul and some of his friends. A new stadium is almost done, so this could be one of my last games ever at the metrodome! The Twins beat the Chicago Red Sox - Go Twins!

On Tuesday, Matt Carvey came to town to visit - he'll be here until Monday when Jeff and I leave. He's spending a lot of his time getting my sister to teach him how to make a dress - he made a bet that he could make one and sell it for $40.

Tuesday night we went out to dinner with Naomi and Rachel - sisters who are two of my good friends since high school. Naomi now has twin boys who are almost a year old. They were soooo adorable and have changed so much since I saw them at Christmas time. As they get older, they have a lot more personality and are starting to look really different (they're fraternal). They were also clearly a handful - their method of eating left at least as much food on the ground as it got in their mouths. Rachel is pregnant, so she's looking forward to giving the boys their first cousin! It was really fun to get to see Naomi and Rachel and catch up a bit.

Wednesday, after working during the day, my Dad took Jeff, Carvey, Tom, Katie, and I out to the driving range to hit a few golf balls. The weather was beautiful and it was actually pretty fun. The driving range was followed by a Dad-led driving tour of Minneapolis and St. Paul for Carvey. He's never been to Minnesota before, and he was pretty impressed about how much there is to see in the cities. He really liked the sculpture garden.

Thursday was the real golf day - Jeff, Carvey, and I went with my dad to a course in Wisconsin. It was beautiful out, again. I was pretty happy - I actually did ok. It got dard around hole 12, though, so we didn't finish a full 18 holes.

Now it's Friday, and the boys have all gone for a weekend Bachelor-party camping trip with my brother. My mom, dad, Katie, and I decided to go to a movie. We saw "Moon" with Sam Rockwell, which I actually really enjoyed. (How could I not like a movie based on a company mining Helium 3 on the Moon?) It creative, interesting, and even a little funny at times. The tone was different than I thought it would be. Also, I thought it was pretty impressive how Sam Rockwell, as essentially the only actor in the film, could really keep you interested and engaged. Also, I loved Gerty, the robot, and there is no one that can do a better future-robot voice Kevin Spacey.

1 comment:

  1. I looked up Moon and really want to see it now... But, it doesn't look like it's playing in Eau Claire!! How sad.
