Thursday, May 14, 2009

School Work = Over

I haven't written in quite a while, so I thought I'd do a quick catch-up on what's going on. In the last part of April until early May, I was basically focused on finishing up the last few school assignments for my Masters Degree.

I did a paper and a presentation on space agencies in developing countries and contributions to capacity building and economic growth for my capstone class. (I'm actually really interested in this topic, and hoping to look into it further and then present it at a conference next fall in South Korea - the abstract was already accepted!)

I turned in a final paper on Remote Sensing for Disease Prediction and Prevention in Nigeria - also a space and development focused paper, which was fun to do, though it's very difficult to get good data on space capabilities in Nigeria. (They do have a space agency, though.)

I finished the Space Scenario that was playing out in the Space Policy course, and I think Russia/EU (my group) ended up doing pretty well.

All in all, it was a fun final semester of the masters, and I learned a lot.

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