Saturday, March 28, 2009

Peru Trip Highlights

Jeff and I were in Peru from Friday, March 13th until Sunday, March 22, 2009. It was a great trip, and I kept a journal while we were there, so I'm going to transfer my notes into this blog!

Highlights of the trip:
*Amazing seafood at Punto Azul in Lima.
*Spending over six hours at Machu Piccu so we could hike, tour, and still have time to relax and read a book.
*Actually making it to the top of Waynu Piccu!
*Trying fruit pizza and finishing a bottle of wine while looking out over the Cuscu Plaza de Armas.
*Sitting on top of the boat in the sun, looking at Lake Titicaca.
*Seeing (& walking on) actual floating islands.
*Driving, training, and boating through beautiful Peruvian scenary.
*Randomly running into Francios on the street in Lima.
*Finding the Mariel Hotel in Lima!

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