Saturday, March 28, 2009

Peru Day 10 - Lima

Our last day in Peru was back where we started - in Lima. After breakfast, we decided to wander around Miraflores, the neighborhood in Lima where we were staying. While wandering in a park, the craziest thing happened - we ran into Francios! (Our friend from the ISU summer session.) He's on a year long trip through South America, and just happened to see us walking by!

We planned to meet up later for drinks, and then went on sightseeing. One of the highlights - the Mariel Hotel! I almost never find things with my name, so it was kind of exciting.

Jeff and I had lunch at Punto Azul again (the same place we had lunch the first day we were in Peru). We had ceviche, and Jeff had a beer, while I had frozen maracuya (passion fruit) juice. The food was amazing! (again!)

At 2pm, we met Francios at the Larco Mar mall and had beers at a restaurant called Mangoes that overlooks the ocean (another coincidence - the restaurant next to our ISU housing in Barcelona was called "Mango"). He told us about his trip through Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru. We recommended some things for him to do in Ecuador - his next stop (and the only American country Jeff and I have been to, other than Peru). It was such a surprise to run into him - what were the odds!

As the afternoon went on, Jeff and I went to Parc de Amor, overlooking the ocean. It was a pretty park with mosaic tiles and a statue of people kissing. A nice way to relax before heading to the airport and back to the states!

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