Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm 25!

Yesterday was my birthday, and I had a really good day. I slept in, then spent the next few hours relaxing on the couch watching bad TV (wife swap, super nanny, etc.). For lunch, Jeff and I ordered way more pizza than we needed, which tasted great. Then it was back to relaxing for the afternoon.

Around 8pm we met up with Stephanie, Adam, and Kate for dinner. Dinner was at Chi-Cha lounge, which is a cool restaurant/bar on U St. that serves Andean food. I had empanadas and an avacado salad - the food was really good.
After dinner it was off to Adam's Morgan for drinks and dancing. We went to Meze lounge. The weather was really nice - probably in the 60s, so we sat outside on the patio and had drinks. Emma, Beth, Jaisha, and Brian joined us while we were there.
When it got a bit later, we headed upstairs in Meze for dancing. Meze plays international music, so it was a fun mix of American and European pop music, Arabic techno, and all sorts of other stuff. Other than at Black Cat, it was my first time out dancing in DC, and I really enjoyed it.
After leaving Meze, we decided to head to Lucky Bar near Dupont Circle. This bar was also a lot of fun, and we mostly hung out with chatting with friends.

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