Friday, October 17, 2008

I haven't posted in forever!

So what have I been up to?

Well... for the first week or so in October I was busy doing all the normal work stuff - reading, writing papers, and studying for my three classes - Cost-Benefit Analysis, Politics of Earth and Space Science, and Independent Study. I also had my one credit class - two full days of lecture and activities on Negotiations. On October 7th, I took an exam in Cost-Benefit Analysis. (I just got my score back and found out I did pretty well!)

My mom came to visit on October 9th and stayed until the 13th. We had a really fun weekend - walking around the city, eating at fun restaurants, and watching movies. It was nice to just spend time hanging out and showing her my neighborhood.

Last week was big for space-related events. On Tuesday morning, I went to a Space Foundation Correspondents Breakfast which featured George Nield, Associate Administrator for commercial space transportation at the FAA. On Tuesday evening, I went to the Women In Aerospace awards dinner at the National Press Club. It was a very cool event with lots of interesting people, incluing Mike Griffin, the NASA Administrator. Stephanie, Emma, and Jaisha were all there, too - actually, I was there because Stephanie offered me an extra ticket from her dad's company. On Wednesday, I gave a presentation in Politics of Earth and Space Science with Adam and Stephanie. On Thursday, I went to an event at the Chamber of Commerce called "A Day Without Space", which was about the economic and national security risks that would occur if space assets weren't avaialable. It's incredible how far reaching the effects would be. On Friday, GWSS (George Washington Space Society) and ISU*USA (International Space University - USA Alumni) co-hosted an event called "Welcome Home SSP08: A Taste of Barcelona." Myself and the other DC-area students that had gone to Barcelona this summer put together a bunch of pictures and told stories about the summer to past ISU alums and other space society people. We had snacks and drinks, and it was a really fun night.

This weekend I've mostly been hanging out around the house - today I watched five episodes of Doctor Who - Best TV Show Ever. I've been doing readings for class and thinking about what to write, though I didn't get much down on paper. Back to being busy!

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