Friday, September 12, 2008

Weekday Fun

I've had a pretty busy week so far. After getting back from Tim & Joy's wedding last Sunday, I unpacked and re-packed, and then headed to Solomon's Island, MD for a three-day work meeting. I actually had a crazy drive back to DC in the middle of the meeting to avoid missing my Tuesday class. Listening to the radio is useful, though, because I'm catching up on all the political happenings that I missed while I was away (and when I'm tired of that, I'm catching up on the pop music that's new since I was away.) I also spent lots of the ride chatting on my phone - including Pol, who got a 45 minute monologue on movies that I like and still talked to me after that.

On Wednesday, I was back in time to make my first trip to the GWU gym (kind of crazy that I've been here for a year and never stopped in - I even had to call Adam for directions...) I even got to try out the pool, which doesn't compare to UB Esports, but has three lanes in a shallow indoor pool that still works well for swimming laps.

I swam a bit, and then it was off to class, after which Stephanie, Eric, and I met up with Emma and Jaisha to have dinner with Ofer, who was in town from Isreal. It was a little ISU reunion. (Adam came too - sneaking into the ISU group.) It was really fun to see Ofer, but after being gone for less than two weeks, it just seemed very normal. It still doesn't feel rare to see all our ISU friends. The restaurant was Vapianos - which I definitely recommend as a fun, trendy, and very reasonably priced (under $10 entrees) Italian place in DC.

Today has also been very busy. I had my first meeting with the people at Space Foundation, where it looks like I will be starting an internship (pending paperwork) in the next week or so. Then I headed off to the gym again - trying to get back into the swing of swimming after more than two weeks away from the pool. I plan to work on some classwork, and then I'm off to a reception at the International Science and Technology Policy (ISTP) Center. Later tonight, Jeff and I are planning to go swing dancing in Columbia Heights with our friends Tim and Rachel - but I'll probably have more to write about that later on!

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