Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Though still a bit jet-lagged, I had a very fun and all-American Labor Day weekend. On Sunday, Jeff and I went to his five year high-school reunion. It was organized by one of his good friends, and there were a lot of people that we both knew, and many that I had never met. The event was held at the park, and was a potluck, with barbeque pork sandwiches and apple pie, and people were tossing around an American football. Definitely back in the states. It seemed like Jeff had a good time catching up with old friends, many of whom live in the area, so now maybe we'll see them.
On Monday, Labor Day, Jeff and I decided to copy Stephanie's idea of going to a baseball game. The DC Nationals just opened a big stadium last spring, and we hadn't been yet. We jumped on the metro for the short ride to the game (so conveniently located!), bought some cheap tickets from scalpers, and then sat by Stephanie and her friends in some pretty nice seats. (The Nats aren't the greatest team, and the stadium's pretty big, so there was lots of space.) It's been a while since I've been to a baseball game, so it was a lot of fun. And the Nats won!
On an unrelated note - there was this cool thing in Spain called "bicing" where you get a card that allows you to get a cheap annual membership and then take a bike from one place in the city and drop it off anywhere else that there is a bicing stand. And now the exact same thing just appearred at the corner of my street in DC while I was away. Awesome.

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