Monday, September 1, 2008

Final Presentation Day

Thursday, August 28 was the day of final presentations. After many hours of working on the final report, and tons of effort by our presentation team putting turning that into a presentation, it was time to show what we had accomplished.

I was the point of contact for Business and Commercial related questions, so I sat up front in my suit, ready to speak if needed. I actually did field one question, but I'm not sure I fully understood what the person was getting at - hopefully the answer was satisfactory.

A short (1.5 min) video that was part of the presentation was posted online by my teammate (and friend) Hugo. You can find it here.

After the presentation was over, we headed up to our team room for one last meeting with our whole group. We had cava and snacks to celebrate and all got T-shirts.
After that, I hurried off with my friend Patrizia to her house for home-made Paella. Hugo, Andrew, Stephanie, and Pol also came. The paella was amazing - definitely the best I've had while in Spain. I wish that I could learn how to cook like that. We had a huge meal (I couldn't eat for the rest of the day!) with appetizers, paella, desserts, and drinks. It was really nice of Patrizia and her family to invite us over!

After lunch and a bit of relaxing and hanging out at Patrizia's, we headed back to Penyafort. I took a much needed nap, which lasted until 8:30pm - 30 minutes before the start of the talent show that I was supposed to be in.

The talent show act was 100% Jaisha's idea. She thought of it, organized it, and conjoled Stephanie and I into doing it. We practiced it twice in her room, minutes before actually performing. Needless to say, I was a bit worried about going on stage. However, Jaisha's wisdom proved true again - I had tons of fun and people really enjoyed the act.Our group was made up of Jaisha, Stephanie, and I, and we called our act "An American Tribute to Spanish Culture." Stephanie and I wore red shirts, and Jaisha wore yellow (colors of the Spanish flag), and we danced to the refrain of a couple of popular Spanish songs. There's a video out there somewhere, and if I get a hold of it, I'll try to post it. (Here it is!)After the talent show, people were ready for one more night out. We decided to all head to Almoda Bar, which has karaoke upstairs and dancing downstairs. It turned out to be my last night out dancing in Barcelona, and I had a really great time!

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