Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ke Visiting

During my second to last week in Barcelona, my friend, Ke, came to visit. He has been spending the summer traveling around, and ended up passing through Barcelona while I was there. I think he had a really fun visit.

The first night he was there, we went to dinner at Tapas Taller with Pol, Anna, and Anna's friend, Albert. It's a great restaurant near Placa Catalonya. After dinner, we went for "gofres" (waffles) which are a dessert in Spain. (The idea that we eat them for breakfast seems completely crazy to them. Though I tried to explain that when we have the for breakfast we don't cover them with chocolate sauce and icecream.) In any case, the waffles were amazing.
Later that night we went to visit Victor, Alberto, Andreu, and Sergi at Dominique's going away party. (Dominique was the guy that moved into Jeff's room when Jeff left - we met him at Jeff's going away party.) We played a little pool and chatted at the bar. Then we headed back to Penyafort to catch the end of Hugo's birthday. Then Ke stayed up until 4am with Pol and I as we worked on the final report. Busy day for just arriving!

The next night we had a Mediterranean Beach Party, organized by Ofer and co-hosted by all the students living in Mediterranean countries. As is tradition, everyone wore all-white (thanks to Stephanie for letting me borrow her white skirt!) and brought food and drink. We laid out huge blankets for all the food and drink, set up tiki-torches, and had a huge party on the beach.

On Thursday, Ke and I went with Pol, Stephanie, and Kris to Barcelonetta - an area by the sea, and had amazing mussels, paella, and fideu for lunch. We walked from there back to La Rambla, where we got icecream.
From there, we headed back to Penyafort, just long enough to change into swim suits, and then walked up to the pool. Pol couldn't come, so Ke was able to borrow his suit and entrance card and come along.

After our trip to the pool, Ke, Brice, and I met up with Victor, Alberto, Andreu, and Andreu's sister to see Batman. Before the movie, Ke, Brice and I had dinner at the mall. Anna joined us for dinner as well.

Ke also got a sense of the work going on at ISU. On the last night he was in town, as we came back from watching Batman at about 1am, we found out Laurent was still in the computer lab, and went there. Ke has a lot of experience working with InDesign, the imaging software they were using, and we stayed there until about 4am helping out. (Really, this was Ke's idea - I don't usually force my guests to help with my work on their last night in town. But it was really nice of him and very helpful!)


  1. What language did batman speak?

  2. Haha - We saw it in English, but apparently its pretty good in Spanish as well.
