Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tarragona Beach Weekend

On Saturday, Jeff, Victor, Alberto, Stephanie, Jaisha, Emma, Eric, Julia, and myself all drove to Tarragona to stay in Victor's parents beach house. It was really beautiful and had a great view of the beach.Just after we got there, there was a crazy storm - Victor said he'd never seen one like it. The winds were strong enough to spin around a crane that was outside, and it dropped hail the size of a quarter. Luckily, it cleared in time for us to go for a swim in the pool.

We picked Monica up from the airport around 10pm - she was delayed only a bit, and then went back to the house for dinner. After dinner, we sat around the table chatting, playing games, and drinking callimocho - a special Spanish drink that consists of (bad) red wine, coke, and sugar. It's actually very good!Around 2:15am, we headed out to a club nearby for a little dancing. It was a huge place, with multiple floors with different kinds of music. We had a great time, but since we were a little tired, compromised on heading home before too late - around 5am. It was quite the introduction to the Spanish concept of time for Monica.
The next morning we got up and spent a few hours on the beach, before heading back to Victor's to cook and eat lunch. It was a great weekend - laying on the beach all day was a welcome change from sitting in lecture all day!

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