Monday, July 21, 2008

During the Week

I never got a chance to write about the rest of last weeks' adventures, so I guess it's time to do a quick summary...

On Tuesday (last week), I went to class as usual. In the evening, I went to Park Guell with Monica and Priya - it's a very cool park that was designed by Gaudi.
Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling great and decided to end my tour of the park a bit early. My stomach ache persisted, and with my limited Spanish skills, I came up with the : Yo rompo mi estomago. (I broke my stomach.) Victor, Jeff's Spanish roommate, says that no one says that here, but maybe I can get it started.

I ended up taking Wednesday as a sick day. The small portion of the day that I was awake I spent laying in Jeff's living room watching great Spanish TV, like Los Simpsons and El Padre de Familia (Simpsons and Family Guy). I also realized that Spanish game shows are a great way to learn, since they read questions and possible answers slowly and show the words on the screen. I also like the gameshow "password" where they just said one Spanish word at a time.

Thursday, I continued my marathon sleeping until about 11am. Jeff and I estimated about 30 hours were spent sleeping out of 38, starting Tuesday evening. Then I finally headed back to classes in time for a meeting with my team project group. (I'm on the Spaceports Team and we had some speakers talking on the subject.)

That evening there was a reception at Galactic Suites - a space-oriented architecture company in Barcelona. One of our classmates, Marc, works there and organized it. It was very nice and fairly low key, and was held outside so we could enjoy the Barcelona summer night.

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