Monday, June 30, 2008

Spain won the EuroCup!

The EuroCup - a big soccer tournament among European nations has been going on throughout June, and Sunday was the finale. It was Spain vs. Germany, and though I really like Germany, I had to cheer for the home team on this one - Spain hasn't won a EuroCup since 1964!

Stephanie, Emma, Jaisha, Eric, Lindsey, Jeff, and I went to Jeff's apartment to watch the game there with his roommates - Victor and Alberto. We made pizza and enjoyed the game. It was a really fun game, and in the end (as I gave away in my title...) Spain won!

After the game we headed to Placa de Catalonia, a big square in the city. On the way there we saw tons of people driving around waving flags and honking, and people running around the streets.
The square was full of people. It was a really fun night.

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