Sunday, May 11, 2008

Amanda's Wedding

On Saturday night Jeff and I went to a wedding in Gloucester, Massachusetts. We had a great time - it was a really fun wedding. The location was great - it was right on the water, and so during the ceremony, which was outdoors, the whole background was ocean. Inside, one wall of the building was all windows that look out onto the water.

The justice of the peace who ran the ceremony was really good, and seemed to know Mandy and Jess, so it was a more personalized service, which I really liked. It makes more sense to get married by someone who knows at least a little about you, I think.

The reception was also lots of fun - everybody was energetic and there was lots of dancing. They had a live band, dinner was served at the tables, and they had an open bar - all things I think are really nice at a wedding.
Mandy is my friend from work, so Jeff and I sat at a table with other friends of mine from work, which was a lot of fun. It was interesting to meet their significant others, and they were funny and great to talk to. Overall, we were at the wedding for almost six hours, and it flew by. We had a great time, and it was a really nice night!

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