Sunday, April 6, 2008

More Movies...

I've watched a number of movies recently, so I thought I'd write a bit about each of them.

Notes on a Scandal
Today I watched this movie, which stars Judi Dench and Kate Blanchett. It was really interesting, I thought - it's about two teachers at a school, and one of them finds out the other is having an affair with a student. The characters are interesting and complex, particularly the Judi Dench character, who narrates the movie.

This movie is about Truman Capote and his work in writing the book "In Cold Blood" that was about some murders that happened in a small town. Philip Seymour Hoffman was awesome in it, and I'd recommend watching it.

Napola - Elite fur den Fuhrer
This is a German film that takes place at an elite school during the second world war. It's pretty intense, which is standard for German film set in WWII times.

Space Station 3D
Well, not surprisingly, I thought Space Station 3D was a pretty awesome movie. It's an IMAX film that plays at the Air and Space Museum. I thought it might be corny 3D, but actually they did a good job with it.

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