Sunday, March 9, 2008

Om Shanti Om

Today I had class (on a Saturday!) from 9am-3pm. The class is "Cross-cultural Communications" and it only meets twice this semester. I was worried it wouldn't be interesting and would be six hours of explaining that we live in a global world and we need to be accepting of other cultures - which I'm already pretty aware of. Lucky for me, it was more in depth and technical, so it was very interesting. It covered what basic descriptors of cultures are and went into specific examples. Before our next class on March 28th, I need to prepare a group paper and presentation on Central Asia, which includes India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc.

To get started on my research, I went to the second Bollywood Night with my friends. We watched Om Shanti Om, which was a hilarious movie. It is set in Bombay in the middle of the Bollywood film industry, and the main characters are all actors. The first half or so is set in the 1970's, and due to reincarnation, we get the same main actor in the second half, set in present day Bombay. It has a lot of cameos from famous Indian actors and actresses and makes fun of the movie industry pretty often. I really enjoyed it.


  1. who makes six hour saturday afternoon classes? Have they no heart?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
