Sunday, March 30, 2008

Nuestros Planes del Verano (Our Summer Plans)

Jeff and I have just finalized our summer plans, so I thought I'd send an email and let people know what we're up to now and what we're planning for this summer. Let us know if we're visiting a place where you'll be so we can get together!

It's been a busy spring for us - we're still living in Washington, DC and attending graduate school. In addition, we've been traveling quite a bit. There are lots of pictures and stories there about each of the places we've gone on earlier posts in my blog. Most recently, we traveled to Ecuador for a 10-day visit. We saw cities, jungle, and mountains, and had a great time. Now we're back to studying hard to prepare for the end of the semester.

This summer is going to be busy: In May, we're going to Boston for a friend's wedding, and then I'm going to be visiting California and Colorado as part of a two-week space policy seminar. Following the seminar, in June, we're going to spend three weeks in Minnesota. We'll take a weekend break while we're there to go to San Fransisco and see Jeff's brother's college graduation. Then we're flying back to New York for Jeff's Grandpa's 90th birthday dinner, before heading back to DC.

At the end of June, we'll fly to Barcelona, where I'll be studying at the International Space University (ISU) for the summer. ISU will last throughout July and August, so I'll be living in Spain that whole time. Jeff will stay throughout July, but head back in August to take his qualifying exams for his PhD program.

Here's the abbreviated version:

May 9-14: Boston, MA: Visiting friends and going to a wedding
May 18-21: Los Angeles, CA: (Mariel) Attending Space Policy Seminar - (Jeff in DC)
May 21-26: Colorado Springs, CO: (Mariel) Attending Space Policy Seminar - (Jeff in DC)
May 26-30: Washington, DC: (Mariel) Attending Space Policy Seminar - (Jeff in DC)
May 30-June 20: Minnesota
June 13-16: San Fransisco, CA: Attending Dave's graduation
June 20-23: New York City: Jeff's Grandpa's 90th Bday
June 23-24: Washington DC (or Baltimore)
June 24: Fly to Barcelona, Spain
July 30th: Jeff returns to DC
August 30th: Mariel returns to DC
September 2nd:
Classes begin in DC

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