Saturday, January 26, 2008

Savannah - Day 2

Despite our late night chatting, we decided we had to get up in time for breakfast - that's half the point at a B&B. It was worth it - we had banana walnut waffles with bacon, fruit, and yogurt also available.This day was going to be our tourist day, so we started out by walking all over town. Savannah has the largest restored historical district in the U.S., so there was plenty to see. We were staying near Forsyth Park, so we started out there.

We walked through town enjoying the architecture, and stopping in the many parks along the way.

When we got to Brougton Street, there were lots of shops to visit. We stopped and got coffee and tea, and then walked by the Gap. Though we were mostly seeing the sights, we decided to pop in to the Gap and check out the sale they were having, and ended up staying over an hour. We all ended up with bags of stuff - it was rare for us to get a chance to all shop together even when we all lived in Boston, so that was really fun.

We had lunch at Cafe' Gelatohh! in City Market, which had pretty good paninis. We took a tour of the Davenport Mansion, which had been restored and decorated to look like it had in the 1800s.

As dusk fell, we took another walk down the cobblestone River Street.

By 5:30pm we were home again, and ended up chatting until 6:30, so we only caught the end of the social. We had a late dinner at a very fancy place. It's a restored mansion, right on Forsyth Park. It's called 700 Drayton.
After that we headed home for more tea and talking.

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