Friday, January 18, 2008

First Week of Classes

This week was the first week of classes, here's my line up:
Tuesday 3:30-6pm: Economics and Policy Analysis
Wednesday 6-8pm: Space Law
Thursday 5:10-7pm: Issues in U.S. Space Policy - Space Security

All the classes seem like they're going to be very interesting, and I'm really looking forward to them. The economics class may be difficult for me because I haven't taken a college-level microeconomics class, which is recommended as a prerequisite. Hopefully Jeff will be a good personal tutor - he's already showed interest in reading one of my text books for fun...

Anyway, with classes starting up and work continuing on, I've been very busy, which is why I haven't posted and am catching up in a posting marathon tonight. I'm hoping to keep on top of the readings, because class is so much more interesting and useful if you've done them. At the same time I want to keep up with my part time jobs, including making a serious effort to finish the space weather workshop final report, and setting up a new internship at NASA.

I'm going out of town this weekend, which should be very fun, and hopefully provide some plane time to do readings.

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