Thursday, January 31, 2008

First day at NASA

I just started an internship at NASA Headquarters. My first day was actually on Monday, so this post is a bit delayed. Anyway, I work for NASA Operations at NASA Headquarters, specifically on International Space Station stuff. Here's what I'm planning to do:

1. Publication of a professional paper in a peer-reviewed space policy journal: I'm going to write a paper on the subject of rationale for the ISS in terms of the benefits specifically to NASA and generally to the United States. the project includes all research, drafting, editing, final composition, and processing of the paper. The job of finding a journal and completing the process necessary to publish will be up to me.

2. Completion of a survey on operating practices for US National Laboratories: I'm going to research, review, and report on the operating practices used by other US government agencies that have responsibility for US National Labs. I'm trying to learn more about their management mechanisms, contracting approaches, staffing provisions, and selection and prioritization of research and development. I'm also trying to learn about best practices for management of federal R&D investment.

I tend not to blog about work issues, but I thought it made sense to say basically what I'm working on, I'm sure if when I publish the ISS paper, I'll be writing about that!

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