Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Golden Compass

Well, after my trip to Charleston, I made the leap from 80 degrees and palm trees, to a high of 12 degrees and snow. Yay, Minnesota! :) Anyway, reading the book "The Golden Compass" fit well with this, since most of the story takes place in the frozen north. I've just finished the book and I thought it was pretty good - lots of imagination.

There are a ton of new words and concepts - in the beginning its almost overwhelming, because there is never direct explanation of what things are - you just have to pick up on it from context. Also, the characters are not always likeable, especially in the beginning. However, as it went on and I started to get a better feel for what was going on and how things fit together in Pullman's alternate world, it was pretty interesting. The ending leaves you hanging for the most part - so I suppose next I'll be moving onto "The Subtle Knife" - the second book in this trilogy.

I'm interested in seeing the movie now, too - I hope they do a decent job compared the book. There is a lot of information to get in, so we'll see.

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