Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Back in DC

I arrived back in DC two days ago (on Monday) and it's been a busy time ever since. When I got here on Monday, I came home and met up with Jeff and John Gardner, who was in town visiting. We went to 14 and U to get coffee and chat. John seems to be enjoying California and his job designing circuits there. Jeff had a fun time home at Thanksgiving.

At 5:30pm, I had class, but in this case it was extra exciting, because we had an important guest speaker. The administrator (head) of NASA, Mike Griffin, spoke to our class from 5:30pm until 7pm. Since my class only has about 40 people in it, it was a very unique venue to hear him speak. He talked about a wide variety of policy issues and was very straightforward about his ideas.

There are about two weeks before the end of the first semester, and I have four 10-page papers to complete before then. I also need to apply for the International Space University Summer Program as well as for funding to attend it. I need to investigate getting an internship for next semester. I also want to enjoy the city and the Christmas decorations before leaving for the rest of the month. And there's also my two part time jobs. So... it's going to be a busy time!

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