Wednesday, October 10, 2007


It occurs to me that I forgot to write about my trip to Boston! Last week I flew to Boston for a work meeting. I arrived at night and just driving through the city again was really fun - Boston is a really beautiful city. It's only been a few months since I was last there, but I definitely miss it.

I rented a car, but when I went to pick it up all they had left was mini-vans, so I got the closest to a purple mini-van that I could. That pretty much completed my feeling of being back to home. (All of last year I drove a purple mini-van around Boston.)

It was fun to be back at work at my old office - knowing where everything is, seeing people I used to work with. I went out for coffee with my friends Amanda and Kathleen during a break in the meeting.

After my meeting I was able to see some of my friends. I went to dinner with Janet and Jess - I haven't seen Janet in almost a year, so it was nice to catch up. Then I got together with other people from the area - Craig and Patrick showed up, as did Aaron Bell. It was really fun to see my friends in Boston again and to hear how things are going.

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