Monday, September 17, 2007

TV (recommendations and warnings)

Ok, ok... Three blogs in one night is kind of a lot. This will not be the norm, I think. I just wanted to issue a warning.

<<<Spoiler Alert - If at this point you still thought I was cool despite my interest in science and technology and the fact that I maintain a blog, this post will complete dispel that myth. Just wanted to warn you. Also, I might give away TV show plot points. :)>>>

Just let me start out by saying, I love the TV show Highlander. However, I have to ask you to never watch the made-for-TV Highlander movie, "The Source". The two hours I spent watching this show last night may have been the most disappointing two hours in recent memory. Man, it was awful. Instead of being menacing and scary, the main bad guy reminded me of an irritating sibling. Instead of threading plot into the movie, they chose to have about 5 minutes of spoken narrative in the beginning and end of the movie to explain to you what happened (not that it makes sense then either). Anyway, to summarize, Highlander is a great TV show. Highlander - The Source should be buried in a hole to be forgotten for all time.

On a lighter note, watch Dr. Who. It has the most episodes of any TV show ever, according to Scott Haynes, who is an expert on these things. The newest version, started in 2005, is very well done. It's true to the old show in having really hokey bad guys and really crazy plot lines. Check out BBC America to see for yourself.

Awesome TV to set your Tivo for:
Dr. Who
Beauty and the Geek (Season 3 for Matt, Season 4 for Juggo!)
The Office
Dresden Files
The 4400
Quantum Leap

TV that I'm investigating (read: watching lots of episodes of when I should be studying) to determine whether it's worth watching:
Torchwood (this is a spin-off of Dr. Who, so it gets extra points)
The Big Bang Theory

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