Monday, September 24, 2007

Jump Start

Ok, I'm really busy, so the last thing I should really be doing is posting blogs, but I have a few things I've been meaning to write about but didn't get a chance. On Friday, Jeff and I volunteered at one of the Smithsonian Museums to help out with a "Jump Start" event. Jump Start is an organization that gets volunteers to spend time reading and doing activities with pre-school children (3-5 years old). Studies show that students academic success is linked to how well they're doing even at this early age - someone spending constructive time with them now can help them succeed as they go through school. Jeff and I thought it sounded really neat, so we signed up. (Usually Jump Start is a 10-12 hour weekly commitment, but this was just a one day event).

I was assigned to be a guide for the groups (a number of different pre-schools were coming) to bring them to the right places at the right time and help them get going with the activities. Jeff was in charge of the "Make a Flag" activity table. He had stickers and crayons and construction paper and helped the kids make flags.

Pre-schoolers are soooo cute. One kid drew his mom and dad and himself on the flag. Another kid put tons of stickers overlapping and said it was a robot. One little girl asked Jeff what a flag was. He responded that it is something that represents yourself. The little girl was still confused, but Jeff explained that it meant you should draw anything that you like, and that seemed to be a good explanation for her.

Anyway, Jump Start is a national organization, so check it out:

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